The Elections was held on Thursday, JUNE 6, 2019
New slate of Officers for Fraternal Year, starting on July 1, 2019 :
Grand Knight- Joe O’Donnell
Deputy Grand Knight- Lou Schnackenberg
Chancellor- Vito Adotta
Warden- Frank Punturieri
Treasurer- Bill Johnson
Recorder- George DeVito
Advocate- Bob Simpson- PGK
Inside Guard- Nick Cokinos
Outside Guard- Tom Klein
Trustee- 3 yr- Mike Murphy- PGK
Trustee- 2 yr.- Rick Hazard- PGK
Trustee- 1 yr.-Jack Schaffhauser-PGK
Non-Voting appointments :
Chaplin- Father Dawid Zajecki
Spiritual Advisor- Deacon Jim Cammarano
Financial Secretary-(Appointed by Supreme) Jim Zajdel-PGK